Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Whoa! It's Day 6! This whole thing has been going by pretty fast. It was kind of an excursion, a trip... kind of how when you're out of town things seem special or like a different type of week. Well that's how this is going; somewhat memorable for the struggle, but not bad enough to want to leave it yet.

Yesterday I think I mentioned that I had a fragile tummy from having some solid food the night before. (Which was a terrible idea, mind you, don't do it if you're on a juice cleanse without slow acclimation...)  But it was a lesson. I truly see how careful we need to be with our systems on this type of cleanse, and not to rush into a craving or snack.

I went to another health foods store yesterday and bought liquid Bentonite clay as well as Psyllium powder. Have had a tablespoon of the liquid clay on an empty stomach as recommended, with a glass of water, three times now since. Will have one more this evening and two more tomorrow. (That's a lot for normal but I'm doing short-term use and tryin' to totally detox!) Read the link above; the clay absorbs toxins & heavy metals, and goes a long way -- the TBSP I took supposedly reached 900 sq YARDS of area!! Psyllium is good for fiber and regular bowel movements, although that hasn't happened for me in a while... so we'll see. Supposedly also good for heart health.

I gotta run, will update this tomorrow but I don't like my green juice on my desk right now. Booo.. Kinda got a bad spicy bite to it. Gingery and beet? I'd rather drink tea :/ Not so hungry at all today! Stomach must be the size of a kiwi!


Update: Last night went fine after I left work, was empty-stomached had another sweet green drink and didn't even need to use another apple with it. I learned through this that ginger goes a long way in these things, so now I have two huge things of it and only a marble-size or bigger is what I need for juice, so I'll have lots left. (Hm, how else can I use it?)

Drank the juice slowly. Again no huge hunger. Almost easier than I thought, all of it. This is going to sound weird, but I know I could do juicing for several weeks or a month if I really wanted to. I am somewhat of a go-with-the flow person who has an pretty even temperament (I rarely if ever "lose it"), and I am feeling that the juicing quenches HUNGER. I have a determination too. The only block, is my mental and emotional cravings for solid food, images of favorite guilty pleasures and delicious-sounding imagery of foods of the past.

I also am losing weight. I know that since I am not getting over 1000 calories I am slowly losing. My tummy is thinner and my roommate said to me yesterday "I dunno but I feel like your face is thinner, well maybe just a BIT!" (trying not to say it was far before :) Could've been the makeup or the glow, too.....

Non-foody energy focus section: I also feel more wholesome, in the way that I know I am ridding of toxins, drinking purified water only and juices from mainly organic sources. My pH level is affected in a good way -- no acids and greases and salty stuff from ready-to-go foods.

Yesterday on campus I was very positive energy 100% for three meetings/presentations/guided class discussion with students, and all ended with BIG smiles and better relationships....... Great Feelings. Three students waited in line to talk to me after the guided discussion class, 5 min after class ended (we went long), all very excited about an idea they had for the project..... after walking into the class initially with all students facing the front standard-style and SILENCE after I askily bubbily upon entering, "Hey guys How're you'all today?!" and then asked it again after I made a funny face like "why is everybody silent..." (and finally got some responses.) We reshifted the desks to make a circle, better suited for discussion -- and just about each student said something that class. The project leaders, after class, said something along the lines of, "that was great...Thank You", almost as if I made a performance/demonstration of class engagement and bringing up the energy level.

The only nervous energy I had was from adrenaline during my powerpoint, from being a feature speaker for an MBA class and getting overly excited about my presentation topic. OOPS :) that and a bit of bad and judgemental energy from/with my coworker there and then, hate it, only bad thing that affected me that day. Well and kind of most days. Hope the class didn't pick up on it. Yikes.

I just felt overall more human and more compassionate :) Made some funny remarks to get the whole class + MBA prof laughing and had some laughs that weren't as nervous as they sometimes feel coming out. Felt a bit bouncy while walked to and from buildings and to parking spot on chilly day. Jumped off curbs a bit and over puddles, that kind of thing. Felt very good and almost wanting to continue pursuing "optimal health." As if.... no, no, I really don't want to eat that burger, like ever. Look, I know I'll come back to it if it's a nice quality restaurant (likely as I am a an occasional meat-eater) but right now? No thank you. Let's keep this going.

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