Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 1

Day 1 has been easy so far. I woke up not-too-hungry and just had water and finished up the rest of my OJ. OJ is not part of the rest of the juice cleanse because it is a fruit, and very high in sugars, but if you know me you know I hate wasting food and it's still a juice (and healthy for you), so what gives...

 At lunchtime, I went home and followed the instructions on the Power Juicer. (For a minute I thought it was broken when I turned it on, everything in place, and nothing happened....there is a wire bar to lock into place I didn't notice.) Then I chose spinach, parsley and a cucumber for my first try!

First impression: Bitter and ick, but then I had another sip and it grew on me! I can do this, I thought. I love vegetables, and the taste of parsley. Fresh, deliciously healthy, pungent taste... So far so good.

Drank it all, and made another one for the afternoon at work. Now THAT one was way worse. Well, I didn't know what red beet leaves + stalks tasted like. They sell them separately at the co-op for salads so it can't be that bad right? Added 1/2 cucumber, carrot, spinach, and a small snip of ginger, and a bit of parsley too. The juice ended up being this weird reddish brown muck color, not too appealing. Can't win anyone over on the cleanse by showing them that...

Finished it at work. I read that after 20 minutes of air exposure all the enzymes become oxidized, so I drank it quick, but it was still exposed for 5 min after making it and while sitting in the glass jar on the way to work, so I dunno.

Going to fill up my water glass here and keep drinking water (UV filtered here on office floor) until I go home and make another cup or so of juice. Oh, and it's a bit of a messy process! Green liquid on the countertop, some parsley bits flying out if I try to remove the pump catcher to put some back in.... (does anyone know how to get all of that to juice?! lots of bits that won't break down that turns into waste....) so I am going to have to learn how to clean it up. Ah, well, it's Day 1, after all.

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