Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 9

So, it's day 9....

I have been extremely thirsty. Tea glass after tea glass.... Must have had at least 6 cups throughout the day plus the morning master cleanse lemonade.

Well I'll go home and have another lemonade and contemplate the liver cleanse... The plan was to do it, I still can.......... but I have a few reservations, some questions, and I do not have 100% of the recommended ingredients (organic pink grapefruit~can sub lemons; ornithene to assure sleep or you can be restless and a bit in pain, so they say...).

I also had a pain in my lower side a couple hours ago when I was contemplating the liver cleanse. I took it as a sign that maybe I am not ready for it tonight... or maybe that I need it? I maybe feel like I am not well-enough prepared for it, not only because of the missing desired ingredients but because of the parasite cleanse being recommended BEFORE it. And maybe I should come back to this another time, after another liquid cleanse and full parasite cleanse...... BUT, MAYBE NOT!!!!!!!!

I think I'll do the Master Lemonade cleanse another day or two, since I'm feeling pretty good and not quite ready to go solid foods yet.

I have lost around 7 lbs and I got a comment that I looked skinny today from a lady on the floor... but I feel really good and healthy.

Nearing the end of this adventure!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 8 - Lemonade

Today it has been all about the lemonade and ginger green tea.

I decided that I didn't feel the need to have fruit juice or soup or a mush banana, and that I want to do 2.5 days of Master Cleanse (lemonade diet) before ending on the[somewhat scary] Liver Cleanse.

I think a big reason for this MAY be that I love the taste of the lemonade. Fresh squeezed lemon, tall glass of pur water, bit of dark maple syrup, and a splash of spice. It is hands-down delicious.

Had one this AM and two this afternoon. Had bentonite clay + water on empty stomach before the 2 afternoon drinks. Been drinking tea frequently in AM and afternoon.

Had a bowel movement too, yay. Oh yeah I have been adding a dash of psyllium fiber into the lemonade, too, so that helps :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

First broth, going to start MC

Just got back from lunch break where I went to Strawberry Fields and Habitat for Humanity in Urbana and Champaign. I got the rest of the ingredients for the Master Cleanse-Lemonade, got Grade B Dark Organic Syrup, it was like $12, and then since I didn't check yesterday to see if I had organic Extra Virgin olive oil I got one just in case. another $12. And the thimble-full of powdered Cayenne (darnit... it was the end of the bulk container, not fresh) was a whopping $0.26. Sheesh.

Since I spent about an hour doing errands/shopping a bit at Habitat (home project material scouting etc), I didn't have time to run home and juice, so I went to Plan B: getting liquid broth from a downtown restaurant. (Reminder: I am weaning off veg-juicing only the next 2-3 days so this is my first non-veg juice thus far.) I was deciding about miso soup, but I went for my favorite soup instead - Tom Ka Kai soup at Nitaya Thai. It's got coconut milk and chicken broth, lemongrass and gingerroot, veg oil (poss bad on this?), so it's somewhat healthy, and totally delicious. It normally has chicken breast, mushrooms and cilantro in it, but I asked for just the liquid.

I am spooning it slowly, it is warm, it is savory, it is foody, it is delicious.

Let's hope I don't get sick from it!

Is it really Day 7?

I had to count twice on the calendar, since I started on a Thursday, and it's only Wednesday, but that actually makes this day the start of the 7th day. Not the full completely 7th Day Thurs to Thurs. Math.

Had a TBSP of bentonite clay + PUR water glass before bed, and juiced 2 carrots, 1/2 cucumber and 1/2 apple for breakfast this AM. It was delicious and I would drink it again.

Drank two cups of organic mango tea at work and surprised that I didn't hit the road for juice/errand an hour ago. Suprisingly satisfied sitting here. Already developed a thirst for a third tea or tall glass of water. THIRST.

Today I need to pick up two ingredients to concoct the Master Cleanse lemonade de-tox recipe; a reminder: this is supposed to be a 10-day cleanse but I am only going to drink it for 2, maybe over the weekend too if I feel like drinking it in addition to re-acclimation healthy/gentle foods. I don't know the verdict on that. but I need: organic cayenne pepper NOT in spice/old container form i.e. as fresh as poss is best. Called health store and they have it organic in powder, that should do. Hoping it's somewhat fresh :/ Next I need: organic dark maple syrup, grade B, which they also stock. So, If I can do both (juice and errand) on lunch break that'd be great but unfortunately they're across town, maybe 10-15 min away plus driving time to and fro office :/ Might actually just go directly after work and just juice it for lunch. Need some prep time to create the lemonade mix.

Hm. The psyllium powder I've been taking for a day and a half helped, maybe I had old toxin stuffs in my system to boot that I discarded. 3X/in a week, ha, including the first one the morning after the first juice day starting off the skip-a-day bowel movements.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Whoa! It's Day 6! This whole thing has been going by pretty fast. It was kind of an excursion, a trip... kind of how when you're out of town things seem special or like a different type of week. Well that's how this is going; somewhat memorable for the struggle, but not bad enough to want to leave it yet.

Yesterday I think I mentioned that I had a fragile tummy from having some solid food the night before. (Which was a terrible idea, mind you, don't do it if you're on a juice cleanse without slow acclimation...)  But it was a lesson. I truly see how careful we need to be with our systems on this type of cleanse, and not to rush into a craving or snack.

I went to another health foods store yesterday and bought liquid Bentonite clay as well as Psyllium powder. Have had a tablespoon of the liquid clay on an empty stomach as recommended, with a glass of water, three times now since. Will have one more this evening and two more tomorrow. (That's a lot for normal but I'm doing short-term use and tryin' to totally detox!) Read the link above; the clay absorbs toxins & heavy metals, and goes a long way -- the TBSP I took supposedly reached 900 sq YARDS of area!! Psyllium is good for fiber and regular bowel movements, although that hasn't happened for me in a while... so we'll see. Supposedly also good for heart health.

I gotta run, will update this tomorrow but I don't like my green juice on my desk right now. Booo.. Kinda got a bad spicy bite to it. Gingery and beet? I'd rather drink tea :/ Not so hungry at all today! Stomach must be the size of a kiwi!


Update: Last night went fine after I left work, was empty-stomached had another sweet green drink and didn't even need to use another apple with it. I learned through this that ginger goes a long way in these things, so now I have two huge things of it and only a marble-size or bigger is what I need for juice, so I'll have lots left. (Hm, how else can I use it?)

Drank the juice slowly. Again no huge hunger. Almost easier than I thought, all of it. This is going to sound weird, but I know I could do juicing for several weeks or a month if I really wanted to. I am somewhat of a go-with-the flow person who has an pretty even temperament (I rarely if ever "lose it"), and I am feeling that the juicing quenches HUNGER. I have a determination too. The only block, is my mental and emotional cravings for solid food, images of favorite guilty pleasures and delicious-sounding imagery of foods of the past.

I also am losing weight. I know that since I am not getting over 1000 calories I am slowly losing. My tummy is thinner and my roommate said to me yesterday "I dunno but I feel like your face is thinner, well maybe just a BIT!" (trying not to say it was far before :) Could've been the makeup or the glow, too.....

Non-foody energy focus section: I also feel more wholesome, in the way that I know I am ridding of toxins, drinking purified water only and juices from mainly organic sources. My pH level is affected in a good way -- no acids and greases and salty stuff from ready-to-go foods.

Yesterday on campus I was very positive energy 100% for three meetings/presentations/guided class discussion with students, and all ended with BIG smiles and better relationships....... Great Feelings. Three students waited in line to talk to me after the guided discussion class, 5 min after class ended (we went long), all very excited about an idea they had for the project..... after walking into the class initially with all students facing the front standard-style and SILENCE after I askily bubbily upon entering, "Hey guys How're you'all today?!" and then asked it again after I made a funny face like "why is everybody silent..." (and finally got some responses.) We reshifted the desks to make a circle, better suited for discussion -- and just about each student said something that class. The project leaders, after class, said something along the lines of, "that was great...Thank You", almost as if I made a performance/demonstration of class engagement and bringing up the energy level.

The only nervous energy I had was from adrenaline during my powerpoint, from being a feature speaker for an MBA class and getting overly excited about my presentation topic. OOPS :) that and a bit of bad and judgemental energy from/with my coworker there and then, hate it, only bad thing that affected me that day. Well and kind of most days. Hope the class didn't pick up on it. Yikes.

I just felt overall more human and more compassionate :) Made some funny remarks to get the whole class + MBA prof laughing and had some laughs that weren't as nervous as they sometimes feel coming out. Felt a bit bouncy while walked to and from buildings and to parking spot on chilly day. Jumped off curbs a bit and over puddles, that kind of thing. Felt very good and almost wanting to continue pursuing "optimal health." As if.... no, no, I really don't want to eat that burger, like ever. Look, I know I'll come back to it if it's a nice quality restaurant (likely as I am a an occasional meat-eater) but right now? No thank you. Let's keep this going.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Two quick notes

Wow. I was just searching online for info about re-introducing foods back into your diet, so I searched "juice cleanse" on CureZone and found THIS at the bottom of the post:

Looking back at the first 3 days, word of advice is DRINK MORE WATER. At least 10 - 14 glasses. By day 4, your body will demand water! Day 3 was the hardest, feeling dizzy, tired and difficulty focusing. JuicyQueen felt like she was going through a fog the first three days and let herself rest on day 3 but on day 4 woke up feeling refreshed, enthusiastic about the cleanse and optimistic about life!

Kind of sums up what I felt with the water and dizzy bit over the weekend, although I can't say everything was a fog... maybe! :P but I feel reassured that that's exactly what I went through. Body is demanding water.


Also, I also really want to do this, bentonite or psyllium colon cleanse, best to do when you're eating super-healthy and cleansing.. so perfect to do now. But where do I find this stuff? I'll have to stop at two local health places that might have it, or else I'll have to save this for another week.

Days 3 and 4

Days 3 and 4 were over the weekend, and I didn't get my slow computer running so here's my recap.

I weighed myself on Saturday morning and I was 7 pounds lighter than normal. So that was after 2 full days and a night of juicing... However, after a full day of drinking water and more juice I regained a few more pounds, so I think a lot of that loss was water weight. Gotta be a few real ones lost tho, due to the extreme reduced calorie intake.

Weekend went OK, I didn't think about real food too much actually! A few things I noticed: I wasn't all *that* hungry until bad food cravings set in late Sunday night. My muscles were a bit tired running up and down stairs at my house, but maybe I just didn't have as much energy (this is probably related). I also felt extra light-headed when getting up and down and running around, because I don't think I am getting as much iron as I need (and that makes me light-headed... I have taken iron supplements in the past). You need to drink a lot of water and I feel easily dehydrated and almost constantly thirsty. I don't crave the sweet gala apple additions like I thought I would, and so I still have 3 left from the 5 (I was going to allow myself 1/day). Lastly, I don't need as much juice every day as I thought, stomach must've shrunk and I'm used to the level, so after 4 days and spending a total of ~$75 on [mostly] organic produce, I actually still have a lot left (probably another 4-5 days!).

The juices have tasted pretty good overall. Many people (namely everyone I showed the juice to...) might find them gross-looking (and tasting), but I really like the hint of parsley or ginger in a sweet carrot/kale base... or a deep reddish sweet beet juice with celery... it's so nutritious and fresh, and overall very sweet.

I went out on Saturday night to a show and had no desire to drink booze because I knew I would be totally drunk off a half a beer. Luckily there was a huge water dispenser with little plastic cups next to it. So that was perfect. I drank a LOT of water... but then again it probably didn't even equal the amount of beer I down on a given night out since the cups were so small...which is kind of sad. Went 4 hours on just water so I made sure the have a cup of juice right before and right after.

Need water on this thing.... Lots of water...

The last and unfortunate thing about this post is that I broke the juice spree last night around 11:20 p.m. :( sad face. I should have just made a big juice and had some water, and gone to bed. I would have been fine and totally could have done it. But I had a small kale/parsley/ cilantro/carrot chopped up salad and almost an entire piece of pizza... blech. I didn't drink enough juice yesterday and was dying for some solid food. I was thinking about where I'm going to eat first/break the "fast" with and was thinking about so many foods, and it all was too much for me to bear; I just wanted some good regular food. But it backfired. I paid for it, my stomach hurt afterwards, and I couldn't hold down my juice this morning. So I've just been drinking green tea today and will have juice in a few more hours when I feel more settled but not right now. Bad idea to break it and I'm sorry I did. Especially the pizza part, maybe the small salad would have been fine. Ugh.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 2

Day 2: Started with me EXHAUSTED in bed. Not wanting to get out, and falling RIGHT BACK asleep several times before getting up. I think it was due to the hunger/less stuff in my belly and the process of juice only, I don't know... but I will need more sleep and will let myself sleep in this weekend.

I didn't allow myself enough time to make juice this morning and get to work on time, because I didn't clean the juicer last night :( Fail. From now on, I will clean it right away after making juice.

This morning I had a delicious juice that I would make again. It was: half an apple (gala), half a cucumber, 4 small bunches spinach (could fit it all in my hand). I think that's it. It was yummy and lightly sweet.

Currently drinking a deep purple juice in a Ball jar, and I don't think I'll need to go home until after 5 to get more. I have downed a few glasses of water and two cups of organic green tea today too. This juice is 2 red carrot-orange beet-beet leaf-ginger bud-lettuce-kale. Kind of a lot in there but it turned out all right.

I really am not all that hungry. Maybe my stomach shrunk. Oh, and I made a happy this AM. Twice. :)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 1

Day 1 has been easy so far. I woke up not-too-hungry and just had water and finished up the rest of my OJ. OJ is not part of the rest of the juice cleanse because it is a fruit, and very high in sugars, but if you know me you know I hate wasting food and it's still a juice (and healthy for you), so what gives...

 At lunchtime, I went home and followed the instructions on the Power Juicer. (For a minute I thought it was broken when I turned it on, everything in place, and nothing happened....there is a wire bar to lock into place I didn't notice.) Then I chose spinach, parsley and a cucumber for my first try!

First impression: Bitter and ick, but then I had another sip and it grew on me! I can do this, I thought. I love vegetables, and the taste of parsley. Fresh, deliciously healthy, pungent taste... So far so good.

Drank it all, and made another one for the afternoon at work. Now THAT one was way worse. Well, I didn't know what red beet leaves + stalks tasted like. They sell them separately at the co-op for salads so it can't be that bad right? Added 1/2 cucumber, carrot, spinach, and a small snip of ginger, and a bit of parsley too. The juice ended up being this weird reddish brown muck color, not too appealing. Can't win anyone over on the cleanse by showing them that...

Finished it at work. I read that after 20 minutes of air exposure all the enzymes become oxidized, so I drank it quick, but it was still exposed for 5 min after making it and while sitting in the glass jar on the way to work, so I dunno.

Going to fill up my water glass here and keep drinking water (UV filtered here on office floor) until I go home and make another cup or so of juice. Oh, and it's a bit of a messy process! Green liquid on the countertop, some parsley bits flying out if I try to remove the pump catcher to put some back in.... (does anyone know how to get all of that to juice?! lots of bits that won't break down that turns into waste....) so I am going to have to learn how to clean it up. Ah, well, it's Day 1, after all.


Yesterday I had my last dinner, concluding my *unusual* spree of going out to eat four times in a row, and having a milkshake the night before (and gyros n' onion rings on Sunday... delicious but yechh).

Most of those were mandatory/meals I needed to go to (such as the sushi n' sake celebration of the last day as the original staff! a co-worker's b-day, taking the new staff to lunch the next day, a much-postponed lunch and dinner date with nice friends to catch up). I even gave my large amount of [delicious] leftovers to a friend.

THUS........many days of crazy ingredients; digestive confusion a'plenty, saturation of flavor and whatever I like, different types of cooking, different prep, different solids, different materials and forms and oils processed (or not processed) in my body. Time to simplify and de-toxify!


Last night was prep.

I went to the co-op then another grocery store for organic produce. It turned out to be really expensive for quantities that I-don't-know-how-long-will-last. The picture above is my fridge(the bottom left sides are my roommate's food). I cleaned it out almost completely to make more room for the new veggies, even cleaning the shelves with baking soda.

Not exact, but here is what I got:
7 kale (2 types)
5 parsley
5 cucumber ( were $2.50/ea)
huge bag of carrots
4 large red beets w/large red-stemmed leaves
1 spinach
7 medium orange beets
3 ginger root
1-2 cilantro
4 celery ( were $4 ea)
3 burdock root
4 parsnip

Since I got my Power Juicer "refurbished"/brand new at a garage sale over the summer, and it's been sitting in a box in my basement, it might not be a bad idea to wash it in the dishwasher. So I loaded it up to fill what was in there and ran it. It was late so that was the last thing I did.

Except for this:

Monday, February 4, 2013

Many months a-coming, I am going to embark on a juice cleanse in a couple of days :) This is something I have wanted to do ever since I heard the benefits of these cleanses -- just pure, natural liquids from God's forms into raw drinkable goodness... helping one's body detoxify and rid itself of unwanted pests and icky materials. Already, I think: this is something we should *all* do in the World of Heavy and Toxics-Laden/Modified/Enriched Foods... just from hearing about this all and reading about it... and I haven't even done it yet!! but I know it starts with me and it's time to do it. I know I will come out changed; if not for the reasons of the cleanse itself, then but for the commitment and austerity/severity of the process, and discipline not to have a bite of something delicious and solid :)

First, I need to look at my schedule and see how I can fit this in. I have a celebratory early dinner tomorrow, so the plan is to go grocery shopping to the Co-Op across town after then. I will stock up on lots of organic goodies and a tea that makes you poop. There I also feel best about giving my money, since it is a local and community-benefit place that offers classes and I can feel good about supporting. This is important. Then, my boyfriend is out of town for a few days so it may help with reducing the urge to snack and have a solid dinner. I also have a free lunch on Thursday for giving a presentation to freshman college students so I will have to forego that, and will have to forego drinking on Saturday night for the Keller Williams show.

Then, I contacted the one person I trust most with homeopathic nourishment and raw food advice, and cleanses.... Shannon, or Chandranana, who is a wealth of knowledge and an infinite positive support system! She offered to help me through this, and will offer support during the cleanse itself, too, which is really reassuring. She gave me some great instruction that I otherwise may not have considered. Here is what she said off the bat:

"do 14 days if you can!!!! is a GREAT RESOURCE
i would ease-in ---- day 1 kichari & fresh fruit (one fruit at a time), day 2 soup broth & juice, day 3 juice & master cleanser then do 14 days of master cleanse
and do daily water enemas (if you're not pooping) and don't do enema if you ARE pooping
you can also do a psylium bentonite cleanse simultaneously to rid yourself of all the rotten animal flesh in your colon
She also said to start with mono-veg juice... so one type of vegetable at a time. And not to mix fruit & veg. If the juice is really bitter, add an apple if needed. She said an Alkaline juice fast, in combo with a Master Cleanse afterwards, is best!!   !!Really Helpful Stuff Already!!
I will get into this more later, when I actually start a Master Cleanse, but if you don't know, a Master Cleanse is basically Fresh Lemon Juice, Rich Maple Syrup, Cayenne Pepper and Pure Water. 6-12 glasses a day, for like 10 days, with 3 ease-in and ease-out days on each side. We'll see if I go into this right away after the juice cleanse (and do a pure MC or not, or wait longer for the MC).
SHANNON: yes, you can do fruits but the MC is a bunch of citrus + Sweet, so its good to rinse your bod with alkaline  bc. your dosa is pita  (I still have to ask about what this means)
ME: OH ok so maybe do just vegs for the raw juice part, intro for ~5-7 days and dep how I am feeling go into fruits for going into the MC?!
This is going to be serious!
SHANNON: yes! make it a good one, the longer you go, the more crunk your body will shed and youll feel SOOO GOOOOD
yes, just do veg 7 MAAAYYBE apple, and just skip the fruit and go right into the cleanse
Another interesting thing I learned is not to eat tomatoes on this cleanse. The only good time to eat tomatoes, she says, is when they are in-season and fresh (and organic), and preferably local (i.e. from your garden). But not on this cleanse.
She also recommended the following vegetables/herbs to stick to on the juice cleanse:
  • kale
  • celery
  • parsley
  • ginger
Great thing I love all of these!! 

Another option is to mix the Master Cleanse (lemonade diet) with the juice cleanse a bit, since she found from experience that her body craved greens. And the MC is strictly a lemonadey sweet liquid. Could mix it and do both, depending on what works best for my schedule (hooray!). Or just juice for a few days before going into the strict MC. I'm gonna leave this one open.

She also recommends doing headstands to reduce the headaches that will come (!), and an enema -- which is a word I am scared of. Teas and saltwater and such, or other forms. May go into later. But supposedly we have lots of rotting things in our digestive and intestinal system that need to come out, and it's best to make sure they come out !! So, I must be sure that I poop a lot during all of this! Oh, and sorry I didn't have a disclaimer on this blog, but I am going to tell it like it is and I'm sorry there was no warning < :P Oop! >

The main concept, is going on a liquid diet for as long as I can. And drinking lots of water. I have a PUR filter at home and may bring it to work.  And  (since she is a devotee to Hare Krishna) she reminded me to make sure to do an offering first to the source :) So I will!

I am EXCITED!!!! It just feels like I should do this NOW. Why keep putting it off? There will never be a completely PERFECT week for this, it seems. It is a challenge, to add to weekly and life-challenges, that I can overcome with determination. I want to rid my body of toxins and "start over," if you will. Reset with a juice cleanse.